Accessory scalp in Afterglow
by katsurin
Uploaded March 8, 2024, 1:39 a.m.
Updated March 8, 2024, 1:39 a.m.
I… don’t think this has been done yet. I couldn’t find it anyhow.
These are Synapticsim’s accessory scalp cap in afterglow textures and colours. They’re availible in a few hair systems at this point, and if you’re a 3t2 hair fan like myself they’re a must have!
Basically they make hairs with transparency issues look somewhat better.
Availible YF-EF + YM-EM, all naturals + customs, found under glasses, 726 poly, M and F packages are seperate, meshes included and everything compressed & labelled. Accessories can’t be binned unfortunatley so the colours are all together, you may want to skip the customs if you just don’t use em.
credits: Synaptic for the mesh, Antoninko for the afterglow textures and actions!
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