Credit: Konami, Roocker666 on DeviantArt, Capcom, Lezisell on DeviantArt, Valve Software

Tags: Comfort: #Benches #Misc | Decorations: #Curtains #Misc #Sculptures | Electronics: #Misc | Flooring: #Carpet #Misc #Stone #Tiling | Pet Supplies: #Misc | Storages: #Wardrobes & Dressers | Surfaces: #Misc #Tables | Walls: #Misc #Paint #Stone
Rooms: Bedroom, Living Room, Office, Outdoor
[oktober-sims] christmas eve crap dump.7z 7.1 MB
1 year, 4 months ago
14 10

Other Uploads By Oktober-sims:

Sweater over cuffed shirt recolors (2016)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

Made in 2016. Credit: JacciRocker, Pooklet, Aelia, (who did the other colors???

Flooring, Terrain Paint, Walls
Dark Souls build
by Oktober-sims

em (Terrain paint #3 was removed because it didn't tile seamlessly.)Credit: Fromsoftware Nov. 26th, 2021 11:25 pm

Peggy FH010930 Pookleted
by Oktober-sims

Comes in all Pooklet naturals. Greys are custom. Time Bomb comes in either custom or binned as blonde - please use only one. Credit:

Subtley crusty base game appliances (2018)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

The screenshot doesn't really do them justice. Credit: Valve Software

Newsea blitz pookleted (2016)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

Made in 2016. Credit: Newsea, Martini, Pooklet