
[oktober-sims] arcade machines.7z 626.0 KB
1 year, 6 months ago
DLCs needed: University
10 10

Arcade machines (2018)

Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018

Uploaded Aug. 23, 2023, 8:11 p.m.

Updated Aug. 23, 2023, 8:11 p.m.

Socials: Dreamwidth

41 239 163

Made in 2018.

Tags: Electronics: #Computers
Rooms: Living Room

Other Uploads By Oktober-sims:

Various eye recolors (2012-2018)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

The first Mist set and the pearl set are dominant

Subtley crusty base game appliances (2018)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

The screenshot doesn't really do them justice. Credit: Valve Software

L4D2 Billboards (2016)
Project: Oktober-sims/Oktoberfresh Old CC 2011-2018
by Oktober-sims

Made in 2016. Credit: Valve Software, Raynuss