Default: afbottomKasa

Project: Default Replacements: Clothing

Uploaded Nov. 30, 2024, 6:48 a.m.

Updated Nov. 30, 2024, 6:48 a.m.

9 111 77

afbottomKasa replaced with @lucilla-sims Linen Pants. Colors chosen based on the original colors (in other words, green, tan, blue and black)

this is a default replacement, so you can only have one in your game at a time.

Swatch and preview included in the rar.

(originally posted in Feb 2023)

Tags: Clothing: #Bottoms #Default Replacement #Everyday | Default Replacements:
DR_afb_kasa_pfate.rar 2.1 MB
3 months ago
DLCs needed: Nightlife
Age: Gender:
17 16

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