Default: ufbody dressbridesmaid

Project: Default Replacements: Clothing

Uploaded Oct. 12, 2024, 7:59 p.m.

Updated Oct. 12, 2024, 7:59 p.m.

4 54 41

UFBodyDressBridesmaid defaulted with Deedee's Shortened MDP Concerto Dress.

This is available to default TF, AF, and EF versions of the Bridesmaid dress, but are separate packages so you can choose if you want one/some/all of the ages.

This is a default replacement. You can only have one in your game.

(originally posted in 2022)

Tags: Clothing: #Default Replacement #Dresses & One-pieces #Formal | Default Replacements:
DR_uffb_dressbridesmaid_pfate.rar 5.0 MB
2 months, 1 week ago
DLCs needed: Celebration Stuff
Age: Gender:
10 9

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