Avendia outdoor rugs on Pets Pawsy rug

Uploaded July 1, 2024, 8:50 p.m.

Updated July 1, 2024, 8:50 p.m.

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I really like these outdoor rug recolours by Avendia- but I was having some issues with the BG mesh they’re on clipping the textures around the edges, so I figured the easiest way to fix that would be just to edit the textures into recolours of the Pets Pawsy rug, which is the correct shape for this rug

100% credit to Avendia for these textures, I just mirrored and scaled them to the mesh. Numbers are the same as Avendias- see swatch.

Tags: Decorations: #Rugs
Rooms: Outdoor
Katsu - Avendia rug on Pets Pawsy rug.rar 1.7 MB
5 months, 2 weeks ago
DLCs needed: Pets

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