Default: mhair fronds - 2 Nykteia Hairs
Project: CAS - (Sunshine Hair)
Uploaded May 22, 2024, 6:37 a.m.
Updated Oct. 12, 2024, 7:48 p.m.
More hairs!
at this point, I finally learned how to default hair. it was a pain. :)
two hairs converted by Nykteia/AnalogMothman
This hair is available in both custom(binned) and default variety.
The default replaces the Bon Voyage Fronds Hair (the one with the grass headpiece).
The default replacement has two options and you have to choose only one.
- AM ONLY: will replace the AM hair as a basic default replacement.
- ALL AGES: will replace the AM hair, but also add in a decustomized/familied verison of the other ages. (they'll show up in your catalogue like they're maxis hairs, no CC stars, in the BV section of the catalogue) please note, the ALL AGES version will conflict with the custom versions of these hairs, though I don't know why you'd need both. They're the same files, just one has custom stars, and the other is grouped with the defaults.
These two hairs are also available as binned custom hairs if you're not feeling the default replacement version.
stats below:
Nykteia Jacoby:
- 6.3k polys
- all ages
- masc frame.
Nykteia Platinum:
- 3.9k Polys
- all ages
- masc frame
originally posted in March 2023
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