4t3 Conversions of Religious CC by cemeterybrat, simgirlz and opuwanoo
Uploaded April 26, 2024, 7:01 a.m.
Updated April 26, 2024, 7:01 a.m.
More thingies for your sims' churches or whatever. I converted Sacred Collection by cemeterybrat, Holy wall art by simgirlz and wall cross by opuwanoo from ts4. - Wall art meshes are from Sims 4 basegame that was converted by kandiraver-sims. - Crosses mesh are by Aikea-Guinea/Moi. - Candles mesh are 4t3 by pixeljackpot. - You can find candles in Misc Deco, pictures and crosses in Wall hangings and rug in Rugs category. - Prices: Hallowed Crosses - 5§, Sacred painting - 500§, Devotion Rug - 50§, Blessed Candles - 15§, Simgirlz pictures - 500§ - Pictures, rug and candles have all original presets. Crosses have turned down versions and opuwanoo cross is included in sacred collection crosses file for less catalog cluttering. Candles - 7 presets, Rug - 12 presets, Crosses - 11 presets, Sacred painting - 10 presets Holy picture single - 15 presets, Holy cluttered pictures - 4 presets. - Most stuff are semi-recolorable. Pictures have recolorable frames, 10 crosses presets are recolorable, rug have 2 recolorable presets, candles are fully recolorable, except 2 presets with blood. - BGC, packages, compressed
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