Julie J's TS2 CC - TS2: 3to2 Movies Redo and 3t2 GrownOut
by Julie J
Uploaded April 14, 2024, 8:02 p.m.
Updated April 14, 2024, 8:02 p.m.
TS2: 3to2 Movies Redo and 3t2 GrownOut
Meshes included - Hair is binned
Both Child to Elder
GrownOut CM-EM - Faces 2188 Vertices 1766 - Sims 3 textures, my own colours
Movies - CF-EF - Faces 3100 Vertices 2439 - Pooklet v2 textures and Pooklet colours
Movies Hair is a redo of this one I did some years ago. Sized it a lot better.
Small issue at the back of the GrownOut hair - sometimes can’t be seen in game and sometimes it is. Working on fixing it if I can.
a DOWNLOAD - MOVIES HAIR REDO](https://simfileshare.net/download/4599968/)
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