4t2 SleezySlakkard timbered walls in AL Darkwood - part 1
by softlism
Uploaded Sept. 19, 2023, 10:40 a.m.
Updated Sept. 19, 2023, 10:40 a.m.
Note: I use Dreadpirate×Gunmod's lighting mod, so the walls may look more yellow than with other lighting mods.
I've edited the textures long time ago, but now I got around to optimize the textures with SimPE (because Homecrafter makes the textures look crunchy). This part consists of a basic horizontal timber and left + right struts and I recolored it in AL Darkwood. For the plaster base, I used Cyclonesue's "Medieval off-white plain daub" texture
I also have uploaded a separate PSD file for those who want to make more recolors of it.
Credits: SleezySlakkard (MTS, inactive), Cyclonesue
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