Esotheria-sims's Project:
Esotheria's Hair Retextures - unnaturals

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Newsea ‘Bad Kid’ half-buzz in 18 neon unnaturals
Project: Esotheria's Hair Retextures - unnaturals
by Esotheria-sims
Newsea ‘Bad Kid’ half-buzz in 18 neon unnaturals
Project: Esotheria's Hair Retextures - unnaturals
by Esotheria-sims
Rented-space's conversion of Newsea's 'Bad Kid' hair for all ages and genders recolored in 18 unnatural color combos
SkySims 048 unnatural & natural ombres with roots
Project: Esotheria's Hair Retextures - unnaturals
by Esotheria-sims
SkySims 048 unnatural & natural ombres with roots
Project: Esotheria's Hair Retextures - unnaturals
by Esotheria-sims
Ombre recolors of SkySims 048 female hair with roots in natural and unnatural shades