Hi, is there anyway you could upload your version of Bella Bachelor from /post/148208665331/ ? Ever since TS4 came out I've wanted that version in TS3 and yours looks identical to the TS4 version.
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I have always loved the ladybug house from the sims 2 and really wanted one for the sims 3! So here it is, a converted ts2 to ts3 ladybug house (Or well.. Bug house) I gave it 3 different color options and they're CAStable. I also chose to edit the painted bits from it, which is a stencil and 2 without the stencil!
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Now what’s so special and nice about those shoes is that I gave it a really nice specular map (which can be seen in the 3rd preset!) And I actually really love the bump map on those shoes!
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I’ve been playing the sims 2 pets stories for a few days now, and the moment I saw these flowerbed fences in-game I fell in love with them and that’s the story on why I converted this little fence! :D
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I’m one of those people who could literally watch a snowglobe for hourssss. Soooo that’s the main reason why I made some more snowglobes! I did used the Mortimer and Bella snowglobe as a base though…(And tweaked some stuff so the glass looks kinda different compared to the Mort and Bella one)
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This is a overlay skin, which means that it will overlay your default replacement skin. So… see it as an Accessory tattoo.
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Here you go! 3 pieces of CC clothing! The flennel hoodie, a oversized sweater for those cold days, and a coat inspired by this
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This entire conversion took me about 2-3 months! So just keep in mind, before storming my inbox to make more stuff, Yes. I am done!
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From far and wide, Sims have been drawn to beautiful Belladonna Cove! Some are looking for a quiet place to settle down, others to tango with the hustle and bustle of the more exciting districts and a distinct few who have been drawn by rumors of mystical energies. Will they all be able to get along?
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I still had this one somewhere hiding in my drafts for months! But today I just thought it would be good to share it with you guys.
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