Merrie Minstrels V: We’ve Come Full Circle
Project: Merrie Minstrels
by ocelotekatl
Uploaded Aug. 25, 2023, 7:57 p.m.
Updated Aug. 25, 2023, 7:57 p.m.
This is the accessory box-only version of The Merrie Minstrels V: We've come Full Circle. It adds accessory box versions of all of the original accessories (minus the small and large horns because they looked out of place in this set), plus the original poses, all in one convenient box. For the sake of convenience in porting my old projects to Simblr, I've included the original Body Shop accessories (both Tooltipp'd and mfBSOK'd) as well.
DavinaOjeda for the Dragon Age Inquisition, TSM, Skyrim, and The Witcher 3 instrument conversions.
d-jpp for the cornet, fife, crumhorn, shawm, twin horn, and tamborine models
Stasma for the lute-violin
The Accessories:
Hand, hip, and back accessories are binned separately. The accessories can be used with all outfits except nude and swimwear. They have custom CAS thumbnails and are binned using the “old” (NixNivis’s Swords for Morgaine/ Merrie Minstrels/ The Armory) binning system. The accessories can be used with all outfits except nude and swimwear. Fully compressorized.
Upper Body Overlays: The poses are named based on the hand positions of the sims, and were created primarily with storytelling in mind.
Lower Body Overlays: These overlays can be combined with the upper body overlays. For posing the sims on horseback, please note that these poses relay on placing the sim in the slot on Feenwald’s saddle. You’ll need Dragon Slave‘s horses and Feenwald‘s riding set.
Other Uploads By ocelotekatl:
Merrie Minstrels II: Meríminsutoreru
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Project: Merrie Minstrels
by ocelotekatl
A set of instrument accessories and pose overlays
OMIP for HBB/SNU- New Coveralls
Project: OMIP
by ocelotekatl
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The Merrie Minstrels IV: Carnaval!
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Project: Merrie Minstrels
by ocelotekatl
A set of instrument accessories and pose overlays
The Merrie Minstrels III: Bittersweet Symphony
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Project: Merrie Minstrels
by ocelotekatl
A set of instrument accessories and pose overlays