
OMSPs.7z 39.3 KB
1 year, 3 months ago
56 53

Automatically Invisible OMSPs

Project: Invisible OMSPs

Uploaded Sept. 29, 2023, 6:23 a.m.

Updated Sept. 29, 2023, 6:23 a.m.

31 401 269


The whole business of turning OSMPs invisible and then having to find them again in buy mode always puts me off from using them. Thanks to Lamare’s tutorial, this will now be done automatically!

These OMSPs will automatically turn invisible when entering live mode and become visible again when entering buy/build mode. They are edits of JohnBrehauts More OMSPs and Even More OMSPs sets. Filenames are identical, so you can just let them overwrite the original files if you already have those in your game.

If you download the invisible recolors from the original sets, you can recolor them like you normally would and the recolor will stick when switching between live mode and build/buy. This is especially useful for lot builders who want to include OMSPs in their builds but don’t take pictures with a family living on the lot.

Download here (SFS)

Credits: JohnBrehaut, Lamare

Tags: Hacked Objects: | Surfaces: #Shelves
Rooms: Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Kids Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Office, Outdoor