Greener Shores - Lush Terrain Replacement

Uploaded Feb. 17, 2025, 9:45 p.m.

Updated Feb. 17, 2025, 11:52 p.m.

5 110 93

I have long been searching for a Lush Terrain to reflect the setting of my story that takes place in heavily Celtic influenced lands. Many came close, but none truly gave me the feel I was looking for, so after long last, I finally made one myself.

Welcome to Greener Shores!

During my search for the perfect grass, I often wondered why most Lush replacements used the same texture for all elevations, and well... HOLY SEAMS, BATMAN! (Particularly on the Veronaville Map) Luckily, I was able to find a family of textures that make the seams virtually unseen!

Witcher Mud Roads DR Tweak:

I love Beryllium's Witcher Roads and undeveloped look and feel they add, so I just had to use them against my new terrain. The textures remain 512x512, but have been sharpened a touch to help eliminate the slight bluriness of the originals. Both Grassy & Snowy versions have been touched up and included as separate packages within the Zip. The Road Piece add-on recolors have also been updated in the same way. Please remove Bery's original Witcher Road & Pieces before using my edits, as the file names have been changed.

Along with the transparent road for warm seasons, I have done some Heavy Snow recolors. For whatever reason, Maxis chose for the road to only retain a light dusting when in Lot View, Live Mode. To me, this just looks silly! I am currently using Criquette's Rural Charm Winter Textures and have based the snowy textures around this. Unfortunately, the winter roads and pieces do get pretty seams-y, but it's better than nothing. I may eventually revisit winter textures. Until then, enjoy!

Downloads: 9.2 MB
3 weeks, 1 day ago
23 22

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