Mods The Sims 2 Game Enhancements Game Fixes

Simgigglegirl Downloads (Tumblr): Turn ons Replacement mod

Uploaded June 11, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

Updated June 11, 2024, 7:24 p.m.

6 65 51

Socials: Tumblr Dreamwidth


Sims 2 Turn ons Replacement mod

So I decided to ~~torture myself~~ make my own version of a turn-on replacement because I really liked what both Episim and PForestsims offered and wished to fuse them plus add some new turn-ons that felt like they reflected Aspirations and encourage me to use more of the game features that I felt I wasn’t using enough.

I used Episim’s own mod as my base and made the changes from there.

What got carried over:

  • Simler90’s speech bubble turn-ons fix.
  • Simler90’s rich and poor calculator checks.
  • Simler90’s fixes for the TO that EAxis missed fixing.
  • Episim’s cologne turn-on stops triggering and flower effects are removed.
  • Episim’s Hard Worker TO edits.
  • Alien trait from @tammyhybrid21 that Episim used, left in.
  • Some of PForestsim’s own turn-ons (but with slight edit changes).
  • Included PForestsim’s Only TO Chemistry mod, read more about it on their post.

What are the changes:

  • New Icons + my own mashup (from The sims 4).
  • New string names.
  • Everything but the facial hair turn-on got replaced. It was the only one that I wanted to keep.
  • Changed the values of skills, hobbies, personality, interest and reputation.
  • Vampires and active (transforming in the night) Werewolf won’t get eye colour TO triggers.
  • Servo and Plantsims won’t get either hair or eye colour TO triggers.
  • Plantsim will, however, default to green eye colour only.


So far, only english & brazilian portuguese translations are available. Even tho my family comes from Brazil, I’m still learning the language so any issues please tell me. I’m also open for anyone that would like to give me their translated version so that I can add it to the mod.


  • With any other turn-on replacement mod. Pick only one.
  • With Tunaisafish’s Attraction Fix (Simler90 already fixed these issues, there is no need for this mod).
  • With any UI mod out there, just have this mod load after the UI mod and you’ll avoid TO icons being replaced with the default Sims 2 icons.
  • With any cologne/perfume mod that turns off the TO trigger or removes the flower effect (Mods like Midgethetree’s Zombie Controller works just fine with this mod)


  • @episims mod that I used and their tutorials that helped me make this mod possible.
  • @pforestsims mod that I used to transfer turn-ons that I liked over.
  • Simler90 for fixes and having the Lua scripts that I needed to carry over.
  • @lazyduchess making the Lua scripts readable so that I could understand what the heck I was editing.

The Turn-ons / Turn-offs:


Cologne → Inspirational

  • 2+ life skills learned
  • Education
  • Influential (sims who have max influence)

Stink → Poor

  • Have less than 20,000 simoleons

Fat → Kind Hearted

  • 8+ Nice personality
  • Good Reputation (60+) (Distinguished Do-gooder)
  • Friendly, Excitable, Good or Lucky Traits

Fit → Infamous

  • <= 3 Grouchy personality
  • Bad Reputation (-60) (Malodorous Menace)
  • Evil, Grumpy, Hot-Headed or Mean Spirited Traits

Formalwear → Pet Lover

  • 2+ Pet friends
  • Animal Lover, Cat Person, Dog Person or Equestrian Traits

Swimwear → Theater Enthusiast

  • 6+ Dance skill
  • 6+ Music & Dance Hobby
  • Natural Born Performer, Star Quality or Virtuoso Traits

Underwear → Rich

  • Have more than 100,000 simoleons

Vampires → Undead

  • Vampire
  • Zombie

Facial HairFacial Hair

  • No change

Glasses → Stylish

  • Hats
  • Jewellery
  • Glasses
  • 8+ Fashion interest
  • Diva, Snob or Schmoozer Traits

Make-Up → Romantic

  • Flirty, Great Kisser or Irresistible Traits

Full Face Paint → Talented

  • Any one talent badge that’s at silver or higher

Hats → Timid

  • 6+ Film and Literature hobby
  • <= 3 Shy Personality
  • Bookworm, Coward, Shy or Socially Awkward Traits

Jewellery → Mischief

  • +8 Playful personality
  • Childish, Dramatic, Inappropriate or Rebellious Traits

Blond Hair → Recessive Genes

  • Either Blond Hair, Red Hair, Light & Dark Blue Eyes or Grey Eyes

Red Hair → Dominant Genes

  • Either Brown Hair, Black Hair, Brown Eyes or Green Eyes

Brown Hair → Head in the Clouds

  • Absent-minded, Brooding, Clumsy or Easily Impressed Traits

Black Hair → Devoted to Family

  • Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic or Nurturing Traits

Custom Hair → Alien

  • Either skintone, eyes, both or RCC Alien token
  • Left the Alien trait, even tho I don’t personally use it.

Grey Hair → Child of the Ocean

  • Mermaid Trait
  • Loves the cold, Loves the heat or Loves to swim Traits

Hard Worker → Overachiever

  • Career level 6+
  • teen career level 3
  • owned business level 6+
  • Young adult with a GPA 3.7+
  • Workaholic, Ambitious, Born salesman or No sense of humor Traits

Unemployed → Ambitionless

  • Unemployed
  • Uneducated
  • Hates the Outdoors, Frugal, Mooch or Slob Traits


  • 7+ Logic skill
  • <= 3 Serious personality
  • 6+ Science hobby
  • Genius, Loner or Perceptive Traits

Charismatic → Sociable

  • 7+ Charisma skill
  • 8+ Outgoing personality
  • Charismatic, Good sense of humor, Party Animal or Social Butterfly Traits

Good Cook → Foodie

  • 7+ Cooking skill
  • 6+ Cuisine hobby
  • Natural Cook or Vegetarian Traits

Mechanical → Mechanist

  • Servo
  • 7+ Mechanical skill
  • 6+ Tinkering hobby
  • Handy, Bot Fan, Vehicle Enthusiast or Eccentric Traits

Creative → Artistic

  • 7+ Creative skill
  • 6+ Arts & Crafts hobby
  • Artistic, Avant Garde, Photographer’s Eye or Savvy Sculptor Traits

Athletic → Active

  • 7+ Body skill
  • 6+ Sports hobby
  • 6+ Fitness Hobby
  • 8+ Active personality
  • Athletic, Disciplined or Light Sleeper Traits

Good At Cleaning → Neat

  • 7+ Cleaning skill
  • 8+ Neat personality
  • Neat, Proper or Perfectionist Traits

Zombies → Noncommittal

  • Commitment Issues, Dislikes Children, Over-Emotional or Unlucky Traits

Robots → Gamer

  • 6+ Games Hobby
  • <= 3 Lazy personality
  • Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Heavy Sleeper or Night Owl Traits

Plantsims → Nature Lover

  • Plantsim
  • 6+ Nature hobby
  • Eco-Friendly, Green Thumb, Angler or Loves the Outdoors Traits

Werewolf → Explorer

  • 3+ Vacations
  • Adventurous, Brave, Daredevil, Gatherer or Sailor Traits

Witch → Mystical Fairytale

  • Witch
  • Werewolf
  • Fairy Trait
  • Supernatural Fan Trait
Tags: Game Fixes: #Misc Fixes

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