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Digi 4t2 Goppolsme 1.4 MB
8 months ago
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Goppolsme's Eyes Gold 22 , 4t2 conversion

digi's avatar

by digi

Uploaded April 29, 2024, 10:18 p.m.

Updated April 29, 2024, 10:20 p.m.

24 365 243

*blows dust away* Well haven't uploaded anything new for a while so why not post these after sitting on them for a month? These are a quick conversion of Goppolsme's Eyes Gold 22 on a semi-animation friendly sclera. It has dark top but the caruncle texture is placed on the skin in the eyecorner part so it won't be sailing in the eyeball if sim looks at the side. Sorry for the crappy preview picture, I haven't opened the game for months and probably won't so I thought I'd post these while I still remember I even made them.

- eye texture by Goppolsme
- sclera by me
- colors by trapping, aweeshie & me + the originals by Goppolsme

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